Event Registration

March Madness 2020 Registration

Registration for the XYZ March Madness 2020 Event is now open!

Date: Thursday, March 19th, 2020
Time: 12:30PM to 3:30PM
Windfall -- 23 West 39th Street New York, NY 10018

Location: Windfall


Attending Registration

$150.00 (Single) | $225.00 (You & a Guest) | $300.00 (You & 2 Guests)

Note: Select registration type in the drop down tab below.

Please list the appropriate contact information and your guest’s name (if applicable)

in the available field below. Thanks!


Early Birds: Register by March 8th to receive an extra raffle ticket!


Registration Type
Guest Contact Information

Sponsor Registration

Event Sponsorship

Silver: $500.00 - includes 2 complimentary registrations 

Gold: $750.00 - includes 3 complimentary registrations

Platinum: $1,000.00 - includes 4 complimentary registrations

Diamond: $1,250.00 includes 5 complimentary registrations plus a booth / table ... and you may include a giveaway for all that attend.


Note: Select Sponsorship Level in the drop down tab below. 

Please list the appropriate contact information (your name and organization)

and your guest’s (or guests’) name in the available field below. Thanks!

Sponsorship Level
Contact Information / Guests

*Be sure to include your name and organization when registering*

Door Prize Contribution

As always, we are always looking for door prizes ($100+ value) to raffle off at the event. Please let us know by March 10th

To donate a door prize now via PayPal please use option below

Registration Type